“All knowledge is based upon perceptual experience” ~Aristotle
Empiricism is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience.
Here’s a couple questions to ponder deeply…
"How real are certain “truths”? "How accurate is your knowledge particularly as it relates to the stories you tell yourself about your desires, goals and intentions?"
For instance, the US Supreme Court has nine justices? Why not just one? The reason is all nine people can and often see the same data, same experience and same "truth" differently. It turns out that their unique perception reveals to each a different story.
So, the question becomes, what story are you crafting about yourself? Which ones impose limits on you? How “real” are they? Are you certain that you can’t change the story to better support your ideals and goals.
Knowledge is rarely static. Rather, we find that knowledge shifts around often throughout history. For instance, we know today that the world is round. There was a time that knowledge told all humans the world was flat. In middle school, we were taught that there are nine planets in our solar system. Today, knowledge tells us that there are just eight! Science told us for years that cholesterol was bad. Today there is good and bad cholesterol.
So, if your story (knowledge) isn’t serving you or your goals, CHANGE IT!
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The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." ~Einstein
Why is it that we (humans) have this innate capacity to set goals for ourselves?
If success can be defined as "creating your ideal future" then how anyone can go about achieving "success" is via GOALS. Goals provide people a sense of control and self-efficacy as well as purpose. The challenge is, most people don't know how to effectively go about goal achievement so unfortunately they give up or think it's futile.
Henry and Martin review a few definitions and theories about "success" and realize that if we're trying to simply become better people, it is goals that help provides us the vehicle! And, any progress along the road is "success".
It turns out though that success is NOT really an event or a destination but should rather be this idea of constant improvement — the journey.
Check out this episode and set a big goal today!
Here's a video explaining P.A.R.R. and HabitStrength™ >> Meet BILL
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The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
“My goals are posted on my website for the world to see, JackDaly.net”
At 59, Jack Daly did his first Ironman Triathlon! Today's he's closing in on 100 marathons and has the goal to complete one on every continent! When Martin catches up with him in this H2G interview he's preparing to go compete at the USA Triathlon "nationals".
Jack wasn't always an athlete and that's at least one of the many lessons in this entertaining and educational episode. Jack Daly has an extensive list of "Bucket List experiences" an MBA and his sales expertise makes him a sought after speaker and consultant.
Although Jack's real specialty (as far as Martin is concerned) is his philosophy of "lifestyle by design" and throughout the episode you will learn the important lessons and mindsets, tools and tactics that helped him craft his unique and inspiring life. Yes, YOU GUESSED IT, it comes down to his HABITS and GOALS! ; )
Jack's Bestselling Books!
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The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
"Habit is a cobweb at first and a cable at last." ~Chinese Proverb
Let's say you have a habit of doing push-ups every morning. At what point does a habit cease to become a habit?
Well, it turns out that psychologist, Clark C. Hull introduced something he labeled "habit strength" many years ago. As Martin puts it, his "formula" was a little eccentric, perhaps too complicated and Martin set out to reintroduce HabitStrength™ but make it much easier to apply and understand.
Just like a muscle, habit is strengthened with consistency over time. By following the P.A.R.R. methodology anyone is able to increase their HabitStrength™
Plan. Act. Record. Reassess. P.A.R.R. is The Habit Factor's proprietary methodology to help anyone develop habits and increase their HabitStrength™. After each successive 28 day period (4 weeks) the participant, if they've registered 85% or better against their targets can "raise the bar."
The fact is HABIT DEVELOPMENT demands three core elements/ ingredients... Knowledge, Skill (capacity to do the work), DESIRE.
Here's a blog post to add some depth to the idea: Skill vs Habit
Here's a video explaining P.A.R.R. and HabitStrength™ >> Meet BILL
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(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
“Muddied waters left to stand become clear.” Lao Tzu
What is STRESS really? Martin and Henry explore stress diving deep into the topic at hand. The idea is simple; the better we can understand the subject the better we can address it.
Henry starts the discussion recounting an entrepreneur group meeting led by Martin discussing the same topic and how his comments and that quote above have stuck with him ever since.
Henry and Martin review discuss and analyze stress from various vantage points and review different mindsets and techniques to help manage stress.
Later, Martin shares a F R E E Gift (unplanned) but realizes it's a great way for listeners to help manage stress. Please see resource link below - As a Man Thinketh. Since you can only hold one thought in your mind at a time, this beautiful, short and powerful little book helps you to guide your mind and “think right” in times of great challenge.
Check it out and learn other great tips and find out how to get your free gift!
More Resources
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
Get Clear Marketing
The Hour A Day Entrepreneur
"The successful person is just the average person focused.”
This episode is chock-full of tips, tools and techniques to help you master your focus and to be more productive! Martin and Henry discuss focus in an age of high technology and perpetual distraction.
Martin shares that the very reason The Habit Factor even exists is because of his inability to focus and how THF was the answer that helped him to write two books.
Henry covers a few great tips like time blocking (hours at a time) and changing up his environment, sometimes even crashing nice hotels!
A few KEYS covered include: deep breathing, knowing you energy patterns, setting minimum focus time and changing your environment!
"A five watt light bulb can barely light up a closet but when focused can cut through steel."
Resources mentioned:
WriteRoom (app iOS)
Headspace (app)
Pomodoro technique
Here's a video explaining P.A.R.R. and HabitStrength™ >> Meet BILL
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(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
“Before fear becomes fear, it’s pressure.” Martin and Henry dive deep into WHY we all seem to procrastinate more than we’d like. Spoiler alert: The biggest reason is resisting the possibility of future PAIN, FEAR and/or uncertainty.
Then they delve into the various mindsets and strategies they use to address and overcome procrastination. Talk of "The Pressure Paradox™" comes up as it must!
How do you “refract” PRESSURE? Just like light refracts through a prism Martin proposes that each of us refract pressure and procrastination is just a negative form of refraction based again upon fear, uncertainty and the concern for future pain. Check this one out!
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(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
After Martin and Henry bust out their GTRs (Good Things Report) they tackle the power of accountability. Henry calls out MG on his confession about tracking just 50% with his accountability group. Then, Martin shares the significance of TRACKING + ACCOUNTABILITY and the mindset that helped him to stay motivated!
Questions to ponder: What are you comparing yourself against? How much better are you doing just by the act of tracking in the first place?
Martin shares that The Habit Factor's Facebook Accountability Page has been critical to help him push through stagnation and how fun it is to see others progress and how everyone encourages each other!
They even review the fundamental components of habit development (the absolute requirements PLUS the best method for habit development; P.A.R.R. ) and examples of working with others who’ve realized a great ancillary benefits even if and when they were tracking the wrong habit and chasing the wrong goal!
The Habit Factor Facebook Accountability Group (application is here)
Here's a video explaining P.A.R.R. and HabitStrength™ >> Meet BILL
Thanks for checking out, sharing and subscribing to this podcast!
More Resources
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
In this, the first episode of the new season Martin welcomes Henry Evans of "Hour a Day Entrepreneur" fame and "Get Clear Marketing" as the season’s new co-host and they get right into the topic du jour, “Theme Days”.
When you think about the most successful organizations they do one thing well: they are consistent! Consistency of behavior is achieved via a rhythmic, habit-pattern sort of scheduling that takes advantage of the natural rhythms in nature. Hence, we have a calendar and a clock. So, for instance, management teams will meet on Mondays. Or your gardener always shows up on a Tuesday and Church is always on Sunday. etc.
Consider how you can employ the same idea to your productivity! The key question becomes, how are YOU going to establish a rhythm of behavior (habits) that support your or your organizations goals. Rhythmic behavior is a great way to SOLVE problems ensuring that problem areas get routine, systematic attention and treatment.
For more on the topic you can read Martin's post
Here's a video explaining P.A.R.R. and HabitStrength™ >> Meet BILL
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More Resources
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
The Habit Factor's Facebook (Private) Accountability Group
BONUS: Just for checking in on this episode, Martin is giving away one of his most powerful and now, just for YOU (F R E E) tools—the Personal Evaluation Toolkit! (P.E.T.) A gift just for listening, subscribing, reviewing and helping to ensure an EPIC launch for Season III. All you have to do is listen to this show and follow the simple guidelines below...
This is “The Bridge” episode! Titled such because it bridges Season II and the all new, exciting, upcoming release Season III. Season III is set to premiere 2/21 with a new Co-host and Cover Art!
Just listen to the show, subscribe and write a quick review when Season III debuts (between Feb 20 - 28) and you will be sent the powerful P.E.T.! Personal Evaluation Toolkit! A fantastic way to ensure that YOUR 2017 is off to the best start possible. It’s that simple. Thanks!