"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."
On this special Mind Bullet Wednesday episode of Habits2Goals, we ponder the idea of challenge and change.
Taking inspiration from the quote above, MG shares his own new challenge journey and how it is bringing forth change in his life.
Ending a mediation one day in early January, he found himself in need of a new physical challenge, and it came to him from out of the blue: "You're going to do 15 burpees a day for the month of January." (What's a burpee, you ask? Check this out! And (it goes w/out saying) don't try any new exercises without talking to your doctor!)
Remember, "All life is an experiment." This experiment quickly grew and changed, offering incredible insights and changes. After all, if we don't create our own challenges, life will do it for us!
Listen in to hear more about this new physical challenge and how it is yielding both physical and mental benefits -- and how Habit and PARR come into play.
Enjoy the episode!
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