"Any character trait, be it courage or honesty, even humility, can be cultivated."
Another Goo-Roo-inspired Mind-Bullet.
To be fair, the Goo-Roo thought there was a catch-22 that prevented someone from intentionally cultivating the HUMILITY trait.
In other words, if you were too prideful about developing humility, how could you truly be humble?
First, to be proud, privately, about your accomplishments doesn't preclude you from being humble.
Second, had the Goo-Roo read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, he'd understand that HUMILITY was actually the 13th virtue Ben cultivated via a lifetime of habit-tracking.
Though Ben was circumspect about the very same concern, he wrote, "I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavor, a better and happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it."
Third, too much humility leads to other issues, as MG learned from a Navy SEAL who cautioned against it.
This SEAL insisted that the etymology of the words "humility" and "humiliated" were closely related for a reason: too much humility often leads to humiliation.
At the age of 81, Benjamin Franklin recounted cheerfully in his autobiography the success he'd had cultivating his 13 virtues, including HUMILITY.
Enjoy the episode!
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