This in-between-seasons ("tweener") Mind Bullet episode was inspired by last week's episode on Self-Mastery as we dive into the idea of justifying our behavior.
We learned last week that "Habit is the most imperious of all masters," meaning it will dominate our lives, with or without our permission. The beauty is, we have the option of directing and guiding those habits, and this self-mastery is a lifelong process.
This leads right into today's topic, which we first touched on in Season Two's episode, "Humans Are Justifying Creatures."
As justifying creatures, when we veer off course with our choices or behavior, we find a way to justify it. Breaking a diet? Well, it was a friend's birthday party, what could I do? Not exercising as you planned? It's raining out!
No one wants to feel bad about themselves, so when we hit a challenge, give in to temptation, or make a mistake, it's easy to assign blame and make excuses.
We all do this. The important thing is to become aware of justifying your behavior and choices. Listen to yourself as you spin your story. How many justifications are you making every day, particularly when it comes to sabotaging positive new habits and behaviors?
Listen in for more on justifying your behavior, becoming aware of the stories you create, and realizing how these justifications can derail you as you work toward your goals.
Enjoy the episode!
New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here:
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As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini Course) Focus & Discipline
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