"When we are no longer able to change our situation we are challenged to change ourselves" ~Viktor Frankl
Positive change most often starts when we take responsibility for our situation.
Responsibility may be one of the most foremost virtues. While Aristotle proposed that courage was the mother of all virtues where would any great person be without responsibility? In fact, could greatness be possible?
What is responsibility ultimately, responsible for in our lives? Here's a few thoughts:
You can quickly see how responsibility is a major/core ROOT, perhaps the root or pillar for one's personal development and even happiness and general contentment.
Hear all about it on this Mind Bullet Monday!
"What's your best habit?"
Kicking off this inaugural Frequently Asked Friday, a new feature for season 2, Martin addresses one of the more common questions he receives after giving a presentation, "So what is your best habit?"
In this short episode (about 5 minutes) Martin reviews what the habit is and WHY it is probably the most significant. He then talks about how it aligns with his values and even mission statement.
It's certainly food for thought... If you had to choose your best habit what would it be and WHY?
Go for it - check it out now!
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“I joke often that I know a lot about happiness because I've experienced a lot of unhappiness first." ~R. Michael Anderson
Bestselling Author. Speaker. Founder of Executive Joy.
• We teach competitive driven people how to lead happier lives
• "Things" looked great from the outside: Partying at the Playboy mansion, etc., but missing meaning and fulfillment
• Michael opens up about his personal journey where competitive drive and winning doesn't always equate to personal satisfaction
• GTR: Share inspiring story about sponsoring young lady from orphanage - a recent visit to celebrate high school graduation
• Touches on a story of GRIT and perseverance
• Avoiding "victim" mindset
• The path to learning about joy and happiness
• His massive TURNING point! -
• A few tips and tools to experience happiness and joy DAILY
“Leaders tend to give so much to other people yet often have chaotic inner lives” ~R. Michael Anderson
Don't miss a single episode. Subscribe to the podcast to get each episode sent directly to you.
"The first step takes the most courage."
While not easy, taking the first step is powerful and a requirement for anyone to get anywhere. Most people will think and think and think some more about an idea, a plan, but fail to take action.
Tony Robbins once said the real measure of a decision is when it's backed by action. And, Napoleon Hill has said that, "Action is the real measure of intelligence."
Using either of those as a gauge the question becomes, how intelligent are you — how many decisions are you making?
In this Mind Bullet Monday Martin encourages you to GET STARTED!
Go for it - check it out now!