"Narrative imagining—STORY—is the fundamental instrument of thought. Rational capacities depend upon it. It is our chief means of looking into the future, of predicting, of planning, and of explaining." ~Mark Turner
“A very remarkable book! This book shows you how to overcome hidden thoughts and beliefs that may have held you back for decades...don't be surprised if you feel liberated overnight!”
Brian Tracy
Personal Development Legend | Author of over 70 books
"Grunburg's ‘Three Circle’ behavior model is paradigm shifting—it's helped to transform our executive coaching. Because of ‘Everything,’ we teach, coach, and train: ‘Change your story, change your habits, change your life.’”
Peter Chee
President & CEO, ITD World, Master Executive Coach
"A profound personal development trilogy—read this book! At myNeuroGym.com, we've taught for well over a decade that when you want to improve your results, in any area of your life, the very first place to begin is your thinking! Martin's work with Everything makes that singular message reverberate so loudly and clearly that you'll find yourself constantly assessing your own stories, relative to any new results you desire, in any area of your life."
John Assaraf
New York Times Bestselling Author,
Having it All and The Answer
"In a sea of regurgitated personal development ideas, Grunburg’s work is refreshingly out-of-the-box and filled with powerful insights. Read this! Absorb and practice these ideas and reap the rewards!"
Kevin Daum
Inc. 500 entrepreneur,
Six-time bestselling author, Inc. Columnist
Powerful! As founder of the world’s largest entrepreneurial organization (EO), a recurring theme—a pattern—reveals itself among the most successful entrepreneurs: They have the habit of driving a hopeful, optimistic narrative—a compelling STORY—not just for their companies, but for their lives, families, and in many cases, their communities. Every entrepreneur’s journey begins and ends right here!
Verne Harnish
Author of stories, CEO of Scaling Up
"Martin may be the best-kept secret in the world of behavior change. His work on habit is intuitive, practical, and impactful. In this book, he correctly highlights our natural drive for storytelling and how we can direct the stories we tell ourselves. This change in narrative is at the heart of personal transformation. Grunburg’s approachable prose and flow shows much wisdom and is straightforward to apply. I hope more people learn about these ideas and about Martin in the coming years!"
Glenn R. Fox, PhD
Neuroscientist and Asst. Professor of Clinical Entrepreneurship,
USC Marshall School of Business
More "tweener" episodes are on the way.
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It's time to make your goals "Automatic!"
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As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools, and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Focus & Discipline
Thank YOU for checking out this episode and we're always grateful when you SHARE our episodes w/ your friends and family and help us by writing a review ; )
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." ~Søren Kierkegaard
“A very remarkable book! This book shows you how to overcome hidden thoughts and beliefs that may have held you back for decades...don't be surprised if you feel liberated overnight!”
Brian Tracy
Personal Development Legend | Author of over 70 books
"Grunburg's ‘Three Circle’ behavior model is paradigm shifting—it's helped to transform our executive coaching. Because of ‘Everything,’ we teach, coach, and train: ‘Change your story, change your habits, change your life.’”
Peter Chee
President & CEO, ITD World, Master Executive Coach
"A profound personal development trilogy—read this book! At myNeuroGym.com, we've taught for well over a decade that when you want to improve your results, in any area of your life, the very first place to begin is your thinking! Martin's work with Everything makes that singular message reverberate so loudly and clearly that you'll find yourself constantly assessing your own stories, relative to any new results you desire, in any area of your life."
John Assaraf
New York Times Bestselling Author,
Having it All and The Answer
"In a sea of regurgitated personal development ideas, Grunburg’s work is refreshingly out-of-the-box and filled with powerful insights. Read this! Absorb and practice these ideas and reap the rewards!"
Kevin Daum
Inc. 500 entrepreneur,
Six-time bestselling author, Inc. Columnist
Powerful! As founder of the world’s largest entrepreneurial organization (EO), a recurring theme—a pattern—reveals itself among the most successful entrepreneurs: They have the habit of driving a hopeful, optimistic narrative—a compelling STORY—not just for their companies, but for their lives, families, and in many cases, their communities. Every entrepreneur’s journey begins and ends right here!
Verne Harnish
Author of stories, CEO of Scaling Up
"Martin may be the best-kept secret in the world of behavior change. His work on habit is intuitive, practical, and impactful. In this book, he correctly highlights our natural drive for storytelling and how we can direct the stories we tell ourselves. This change in narrative is at the heart of personal transformation. Grunburg’s approachable prose and flow shows much wisdom and is straightforward to apply. I hope more people learn about these ideas and about Martin in the coming years!"
Glenn R. Fox, PhD
Neuroscientist and Asst. Professor of Clinical Entrepreneurship,
USC Marshall School of Business
More "tweener" episodes are on the way.
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It's time to make your goals "Automatic!"
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Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools, and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Focus & Discipline
Thank YOU for checking out this episode and we're always grateful when you SHARE our episodes w/ your friends and family and help us by writing a review ; )
"If I gave you $1,000 to track 3 habits for one day could you do it? Everyone knows that they could!"
More "tweener" episodes are on the way.
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It's time to make your goals "Automatic!"
New listeners, visit to get your free template and get up to speed immediately on the world-famous Habit Factor process! thehabitfactor.com/templates.
Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
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Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools, and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Focus & Discipline
Thank YOU for checking out this episode and we're always grateful when you SHARE our episodes w/ your friends and family and help us by writing a review ; )
"Habits and goals, by design, complement each other."
More "tweener" episodes are on the way.
Stay subscribed, and be sure to check out the new YouTube Channel.
Grab your H2G ALL-TIME Top Download PDF!
It's time to make your goals "Automatic!"
New listeners, visit to get your free template and get up to speed immediately on the world-famous Habit Factor process! thehabitfactor.com/templates.
Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
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Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools, and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Focus & Discipline
Thank YOU for checking out this episode and we're always grateful when you SHARE our episodes w/ your friends and family and help us by writing a review ; )
"Everything is difficult before it is easy." ~Thomas Fuller
Resistance comes in many forms. The wind is a terrific example.
It turns out that without any wind trees cannot grow strong and will topple over.
The same is observed in our life. If we are without resistance—if there is no pressure—how can we grow stronger?
Pursing goals and ideals provides ample resistance to grow, learn and become stronger.
Lifting weights, as an example, proves resistance makes us stronger.
The wind offers other clues. MG happens to notice that even boats lying at anchor, FACE THE WIND.
This is analogous to us facing our problems as opposed to avoiding them.
Jen shares a story of finally facing a business banking issue after avoiding it for a long time.
The result: She was relieved and all that anticipated pain was way overblown. She was even able to be of service to the banker.
The moral of the story: Most of the time, facing our challenges is our best course of action.
The wind teaches us how we can grow and become stronger!
Enjoy the show!
More "tweener" episodes are on the way.
Stay subscribed, and be sure to check out the new YouTube Channel.
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It's time to make your goals "Automatic!"
New listeners visit to get your free template and get up to speed immediately on the world-famous habit factor process! thehabitfactor.com/templates.
Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
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Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here:
As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools, and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Focus & Discipline
Thank YOU for checking out this episode and we're always grateful when you SHARE our episodes w/ your friends and family and help us by writing a review ; )