**NEW: Text MG direct your toughest #habits and #goals questions now: 619-547-1915
The Habit Factor® "5-Day Challenge" ENDS THIS WEDNESDAY 10-28-20! Because all exercises and live sessions are recorded, you can still sign up today: https://thehabitfactor.com/challenge
Today's MBM brings us to the idea of compounding behaviors. It's fairly trendy to hear entrepreneurs talk about "scaling" their business, and about the importance of business models that will scale.
If you can make a profit with 10 customers, it stands to reason you want to be able to get to 1,000 customers as effortlessly as possible. The right "model" will allows that, but the wrong one? Well, it will just create a nightmare, or in a best case scenario will be limited in its growth potential.
When it comes to our behaviors, it's certainly worth asking some similar questions: "How does IT scale?" In other words, how does that one behavior scale? What will the compounding effects of that behavior be in a year, or even better, five years? A pack of cigarettes a day? How does that scale? Ice cream every night before bed? How does that scale?
Arriving habitually late to work? How does that scale?
You get the picture? Our choices should or could be better determined by asking that simple question: How does IT scale?
This goes for questionable decisions that might be better guided by the same simple question. How does it scale?
Enjoy the episode!
**NEW: Text MG direct your toughest #habits and #goals questions now... 619-547-1915
The Habit Factor® "5-Day Challenge" ENDS THIS WEDNESDAY 10-28-20! Because all exercises and live sessions are recorded, you can still sign up today: https://thehabitfactor.com/challenge
New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: thehabitfactor.com/templates.
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