"You can recognize truth by its beauty and simplicity."
~Dr. Richard Feynman
“I am lazy and anti-authoritarian. I have a short attention span, a shorter memory, and no intellect. I am devoid of marketable skills and I despise routine. I have never held a job for longer than two months and, in the entire history of the United States government, I am one of five people (at most) to have been fired from a civil service job. Fortunately, these are ideal qualifications for an
entrepreneur. ” Fred Gratzon
It seems as though Fred Gratzon has lived several amazing lives. Ask him how it's happened and to where the credit ought to go, he's quick to reference one thing; Transcendental Meditation.
In 1979 with no money, no business experience, and no knowledge whatsoever of how to make ice cream Fred founded, The Great Midwestern Ice Cream Company. 1984, it was judged by People Magazine as “the best ice cream in America”.
Fred had signed a non-compete clause with the investors of Great Midwestern Ice Cream which forbade him from working in the ice cream industry.
So again with no money and no knowledge or experience in anything else, Fred started Telegroup in a spare room of his house. He simply wanted to support his family (wife and one-year old son) while he thought of what to do with the rest of his life.
Over the next nine years, what started as a simple, one-man operation grew to become a global telecommunications company withw1100 employees, 250,000 customers, and over $300 million in annual sales. Fred took Telegroup public in 1997.
In this entertaining interview MG and Fred go deeper— much deeper. Covering many of the foundational principles — the physics— involved in the "Lazy Way to Success" as well as "success" itself which Fred defines as a "process". They discuss money, habits and even competitive athletics.
The lazyway.net website warns its visitors "This is not a joke!" The Lazy Way to Success really is no joke and as you'll hear there are some very important ideas to understand.
"If there's a choice between eating and meditating I'm going to meditate. It's that important to me." Fred Gratzon
Enjoy the show!
Note: Apologies on the occasional sound quality issues... some guests have better mics than others. ; ) Fred and his insights are brilliant and are worth a listen or three!
Fred's Favorite Books:
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad‑gita: A New Translation
Other: Episode resources:
Resources mentioned in the show:
The Habit Factor®
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