"A nail is driven out by another nail. Habit is overcome by habit.” ~Desiderius Erasmus
On the first Frequently Asked Friday of Habits2Goals Season 6, we tackle a back-to-basics topic first visited in Season 1: How to kill a bad habit.
The formula is simple: To kill a bad habit, use the three "ments": environment, replacement, and experiment.
Say you need to kill the bad habit of drinking beer. To control your environment and make it conducive to quitting this habit, don't buy beer. Need to quit smoking? Don't buy cigarettes or be around those who smoke. The bottom line: If your environment is conducive to a bad habit, that bad habit isn't going anywhere. Create impediments to create a prohibitive environment!
Substitute comes next: If you're quitting beer, perhaps substitute it with non-alcoholic beer. If your habit is smoking, go for a walk when your friends go out for a smoke. Remember that just as a nail is driven out by another nail, habit is driven out by another habit.
Next, experiment: Nothing in life is static, so try things out and find what works for you.
Listen in to learn the fundamentals of killing a bad habit without disrupting social cues and conditions, and how the three "ments" are game-changers when you're trying to change your life.
Enjoy the episode!
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