If happiness is, in large part, tied to the quality of our relationships, this episode is a MUST Listen...
"This is how and where the championships are won and the bridges are built..."
Unfortunately, most people grow up believing that independence is the highest form of maturity.
Martin shares some of his personal experience and the big, ah-ha in reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Dr. Stephen Covey points out that it is interdependence and not independence that is the highest form a maturity.
Further, Covey shares that the most troubled relationships tend to break down, whether it's a team, company or in a personal setting, when the FIRST THREE HABITS (he calls, "the personal victory") are not first honored and addressed. Those habits are: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First!
In fact, it's those first three habits that build the foundation and help to foster a strong, capable and long-lasting, interdependent relationship.
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.