Nobody has more than twenty-four hours, yet some people get far ahead of others.
"If everyone requires eight hours of sleep to be healthy and most of us have jobs that require at least eight hours of work, it's what you do with the 'other' eight that will make all the difference for your future..."
Martin kicks off this episode sharing an observation Napoleon Hill made decades ago— how you use your "other" eight hours of your 24 hours will be make all the difference in your future results and paves the way for your "success"!
How are you using the "other" eight?
If success is creating your ideal future, then what you study, the skills and habits you develop in those other eight hours become essential to help you craft your ideal future.
Sadly, it appears most people waste those other eight hours on frivolous activities. Certainly, we all need rest and recreation but those other eight hours are the key — the path to a brighter, better future.
What would happen if you devoted just 15 minutes (of the other eight) consistently?
Since you probably plan on living another two or three years, devoting just 15 minutes a day, 5 times a week studying ANY skill or trade will likely make you an expert or put you very close to expertise and far ahead of others.
Check out this episode and be sure to share this Mind Bullet Monday!
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Napoleon Hill The Science of Personal Achievement
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich