"Everything will be OK in the end, and if it's not OK, it is not the end." ~John Lennon
This Christmas Eve Mind-Bullet Monday episode ponders a sobering and seemingly heavy topic: The end.
Every morning for the last 13 years, MG takes his dog out for a frisbee session on the beach, complete with audience and aerials. But on a chilly recent morning, when Roxy the dog pulled up a little cramped and lame, the thought occurred: The end is coming. Not today, not tomorrow, but the beginning of the end is here.
The end is all around us and it's happening all the time -- bittersweet, but an integral part of the dynamism of life.
The one great constant in life is change, so the end is often just a transformation -- a metamorphosis.
Listen in for an inspiring conversation about embracing the sometimes bittersweet metamorphosis of life.
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