"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right." ~Henry Ford
On this Frequently Asked Friday we ask the seemingly ominous-sounding question: Is it too late?
Too late for what? Too late to achieve our goals... too late to realize our ideal future.
Just as the great Henry Ford proffered in the quote above, it may depend on what you think.
At 50, Ray Croc started the McDonalds juggernaut. Colonel Sanders was in his mid-60s when he sold his famed recipe and the KFC franchise was launched. The founder of Wal-Mart was 44 when he opened his first store. The examples go on and on.
The stories echo the same themes: Failure, rejection, success.
It may sound cliched, but it's important to realize that if it's been done before, we can do it too! Even if it hasn't been done before, we can do it! Recall the episode, Anyone Can Do It!
Listen in to be inspired to fight through repeated failure and rejection, become the person you are meant to be, and understand that it's never too late to go after your goals!
Enjoy the episode!
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