"If people knew how hard I worked to gain my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful after all.”
This Frequently Asked Friday ponders a common theme: Should I work hard, or should I work smart?
Common wisdom implores us to work smart, not hard. But like so much of the thinking we encounter here at Habits2Goals, this is another example of dichotomous thinking.
Working smart first ensures that we're asking the right questions and setting ourselves up for success. What's working? What's not working? Where do I want to go?
But there's no getting around working hard, despite what you may hear. No one's going to do your push-ups for you, for example. Hard work makes you stronger physically, mentally and emotionally.
Listen in for more on starting smart and gaining clarity, working hard toward your goals, and applying the skillset of hard work toward habit and skill development.
Enjoy the episode!
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As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
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The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
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Free Webinar: (Mini Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini Course) Focus & Discipline
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