"If you fail to plan, are you planning to fail?" ~Benjamin Franklin
As we continue The Quest—the pursuit of our ideal future—we recognize the journey requires that we step onto The Path! (previous episode)
Once on The Path, we notice a powerful truth: Our ideal future only arrives ONE DAY AT A TIME. Thus, the essential question to ask daily is, "Was I on the path, today?"
To make real progress along The Path conjures up another key question: What's The PLAN?
The Plan is where the rubber meets the road. The Plan consists of two essential components: strategy and execution.
What are you going to do today to make progress on The Path? How are you going to do it? And, importantly, how will you be held accountable?
The strategy might be a model—copying a process by following someone who has already achieved what you're trying to achieve. There is a bit of caution when modelling; just realize, "No man can ever step into the same river twice."
The second essential component of THE PLAN, execution, has two parts. How you are going to achieve it? And, how will you hold yourself accountable to the daily actions/behaviors?
This is precisely why The Habit Factor's P.A.R.R. methodology is so effective, as it addresses both the strategy and the execution.
By Planning, Acting, Recording, and Reassessing the core, related behaviors (habits), you move yourself down The Path and closer to your goal each and every day.
Since we can only realize our ideal future one day at a time, P.A.R.R. is THE PLAN that helps anyone stay on The PATH and to WIN each and every day by tracking habits.
Enjoy the episode!
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The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
(FREE! The Habit Factor's Tracking Template)
The Habit Factor® (website: BLOG, tips, tools, and other resources)
The Habit Factor® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Pressure Paradox® Book (Amazon Kindle)
The Habit Factor app (iOS, Android)
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Why Happiness is a Habit and how to cultivate it!
Free Webinar: (Mini-Course) Focus & Discipline
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