"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." Henry Ford
Habits2Goals kicks off its sixth season with a powerful Mind Bullet: Your Future Self.
A topic called "behavioral economics" was the catalyst for this mind bullet. In his book The Undoing Project, author Michael Lewis discussed the concept of behavioral economics—the idea that humans are not rational creatures. They're emotional. Sometimes they eat too much, sometimes they drink too much, etc.
The concept of behavioral economics cropped up again in an NPR podcast featuring Richard Thaler, who won a Nobel Prize for behavioral economics and is the author of Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics. Thaler said something that resonated: "We are all better in our future self."
Think about it: Our future self is amazing! We say things like, "I'm going to get her flowers next week." "When I get my raise, I'm going to save more money." I'm going to eat better, give more, save more, make better decisions—in the future.
It's time to live in the present and be your best self NOW. Create the life you want by being more aware. When you say something like, "I'll start saving money next month," bring it back to NOW immediately: I'll start an automatic savings program NOW. Buying her flowers next week? No, buy her flowers right now. Eat better, drink less, save more—NOW.
Listen in to hear about taking your future self off a pedestal and consciously creating the best version of yourself NOW.
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As a Man Thinketh
The 3 C's of SucCcess (Mitch W. Steel)
The Psychology of Achievement (Brian Tracy)
The Power of Positive Thinking (Normal Vincent Peale)
The Magic of Thinking BIG! (David Schwartz)
Think & Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)
The Success Principles (Jack Canfield)
Getting Things Done! (Allen's Great Book!)
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