"Are habits better than goals?"
This is a semi-crazy meme that Martin wrote about last week (here). In this episode, Martin elaborates on the idea that these are equal and complementary components when it comes to goal achievement. Then he shares a bit of a surprise— just how far back this realization actually dates.
The short story is that goals properly set (with significant motivation to achieve them) illuminate the ideal behaviors/habits one needs to foster.
And, using The Habit Factor's method of habit development, P.A.R.R. (Plan, Act, Record & Reassess) one is able to develop habits more quickly.
Then, Martin shares a quick example and reviews a little "Goal Setting Theory" and a man named Edwin Locke (you likely know him via his SMART goals system).
Enjoy the episode ; )
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GOAL Setting -Wikipedia (Something is missing ; )
The Habit Factor Article "Are Habits Better Than Goals? Are Goals Bad?"