In this, the first episode of the new season Martin welcomes Henry Evans of "Hour a Day Entrepreneur" fame and "Get Clear Marketing" as the season’s new co-host and they get right into the topic du jour, “Theme Days”.
When you think about the most successful organizations they do one thing well: they are consistent! Consistency of behavior is achieved via a rhythmic, habit-pattern sort of scheduling that takes advantage of the natural rhythms in nature. Hence, we have a calendar and a clock. So, for instance, management teams will meet on Mondays. Or your gardener always shows up on a Tuesday and Church is always on Sunday. etc.
Consider how you can employ the same idea to your productivity! The key question becomes, how are YOU going to establish a rhythm of behavior (habits) that support your or your organizations goals. Rhythmic behavior is a great way to SOLVE problems ensuring that problem areas get routine, systematic attention and treatment.
For more on the topic you can read Martin's post
Here's a video explaining P.A.R.R. and HabitStrength™ >> Meet BILL
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