"The word is out... gratitude has incredible benefits." ~Glenn Fox
In this entertaining interview, Glenn covers his journey toward graduate school and beyond. Citing stories of getting his top-level mechanics degree and his love of cars and, how being a mechanic served much of his mindfulness development.
His eclectic background combined with an element of chance ultimately leads Glenn to find a great mentor who recommendeds that he study an emerging field, "affective neuroscience".
Glenn shares wonderful insights and studies related to neuroscience and gratitude and how for him he must "win the home field" — a great metaphor to help him remember it's really about having healthy, quality relationships —that foster success.
Glenn R. Fox earned his PhD from USC’s Neuroscience Graduate Program and his extensive research regarding gratitude is widely published.
Just some of what Martin and Glenn cover:
-How across nearly all religions and philosophies Glenn has noticed that gratitude is a fundamental theme
-How mindfulness and gratitude are practices
-How emotion can help us to narrow the range of options
-How the brain process emotion
-How emotion influences our decisions and behaviors
-How we might better understand the value of emotions to make better decisions
-His influences like Antonio Damasio and Pema Chodron
-Why Glenn sees envy as a positive emotion
And much more...
The point is emotion narrows the decisions we can make so we're not just frozen... it's useful and helps us make decisions — it probably exists for a reason.
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Glenn's Book list:
-When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times (Shambhala Classics)
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
Glenn's Blog: http://glennrfox.com/TheEmpiricistBlog/ .