“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." ~Einstein
Why is it that we (humans) have this innate capacity to set goals for ourselves?
If success can be defined as "creating your ideal future" then how anyone can go about achieving "success" is via GOALS. Goals provide people a sense of control and self-efficacy as well as purpose. The challenge is, most people don't know how to effectively go about goal achievement so unfortunately they give up or think it's futile.
Henry and Martin review a few definitions and theories about "success" and realize that if we're trying to simply become better people, it is goals that help provides us the vehicle! And, any progress along the road is "success".
It turns out though that success is NOT really an event or a destination but should rather be this idea of constant improvement — the journey.
Check out this episode and set a big goal today!
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